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“Everybody…….Get In Line” : (Daily Biscuit #121)

May 16, 2010

This one started out as me making a sheet of multi-colored squares that I was going to then cut out and paste into a shape.  Then my girlfriend said that she liked how it was looking on it’s own, so I kept coloring the squares not sure what the process would end up being, and decided to keep the sheet as it was.  In past few days I’ve done a couple pieces with these square type forms in them.  Several years ago I made some paintings with a similar process and have liked revisiting it again.  I think I shall continue it in the days to come as well.  It was a challenge for me to leave this row of squares as it is, because usually I always feel the need to make my pieces look a certain way.  I’m glad I could allow myself to let this piece be finished as it is, it’s good for me to push my comfort level, which is actually part of the reason I started this process of making the daily biscuits.  To not necessarily be trying to make my most amazing pieces of art, but to create a discipline where I’m creating everyday and trying new things, allowing a space to experiment.  Click on the image below to enlarge.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. dan permalink
    May 17, 2010 5:04 am

    bravo, good chap!

  2. joncooney permalink*
    May 17, 2010 5:38 am

    thank you kind sir, thank you.

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